Shipping Policy
Same Day Dispatch
Orders received before 3pm AEST are usually shipped within the same day, otherwise within 48 hours. Orders ship from our Melbourne warehouse and are sent via Australia Post. If you have questions about the arrival of your order, drop us a line at
Our warehouse team takes a much-deserved break on weekends and public holidays, so orders placed on those days will be shipped the following business day.
Shipping costs are determined by weight at checkout.
All orders are shipped express and should take 12-17 business days to reach your house.
Shipping and product costs do not include duties or taxes that may be applicable to your order. For detailed information about what duties or taxes you may be charged, please refer to your local customs website.
Tracking will be provided for all orders. You will be sent an email once your order is dispatched so you can see can follow your dreams at all times.
These times do not account for customs delays outside of our control.